Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Thanks

Today is a day of remembrance. Before or after your barbecue ,remember any fallen veteran with a bouquet of flowers or a flag. For the  ones just returned, think about a foodie thank you. Get together with your school or church to organize a thank you dinner or barbecue for the returning soldiers and their families. It doesn't have to be a grand gesture . Just the usual barbecue fare along with some salads, plus a whole helping of gratitude will do the trick. Also organizing bake sales for returning vets and their families to have a vacation together would be a nice idea too. Another is just giving out gift certificates to restaurants is another gesture that says "thank you"/.

Sadly there will always be some  kind of conflict. Bravely , there will be those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for us. Treat them with the utmost respect, If they are still in your life and your town, then treat them to something special. It's just a small token for a large contribution.

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