Monday, May 6, 2013

Layers of Flavor

Puff paastry is a versatile base for both sweet and savory treats. It;s perfect for making Spring party foods that go well in for any venue , from showers to graduation parties.It can be th e base of fun appetizer pockets to the more elegant vol au vents and  mini. beef Wellingtons Puff pastry is also a for creating a variety of delicious and unique desserts

Puff pastry can be made at home or bought. If you're making it at home it is time consuming and labor intensive. However the end result is rewarding with a buttery , light pastry perfect foe any savory or sweet filling.It requires  sixteen tablespoons of unsalted butter along with ice water or seltzer and ice cubes. The dough must be chilled and never room temperature for best results.It is then folded and rolled into an oblong, being constantly folded over to create layers.The oven temp is quite high, between 4oo and 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Of course you could buy the dough already made. Pepperidge Farm is known for theirs and it does cut down on prep time if you have an elaborate filling.

Vol au vents are one of the most popular puff pastry recipes.A good savory one is chicken with a creamy gravy. This is like an elegant pot pie, with the same ingredients, such as the meat along with carrots and peas. Another idea for puff pastry is sausage, onions and spinach or one that's like an inside out pizza. This last is  made with goat cheese, tomatoes and basil.Of course puff pastry is excellent for desserts. Make sweet vol au vents by using puddings or even creamed and topped with a hot fudge or caramel sauce.You can try a cobbler style one with layers of peaches , strawberries and rhubarb and a creme caramel base.

Puff pastry is one of the most versatile staples for any kitchen. Make it from scratch or buy it, fill it with savory or sweet. It's can be turned into anything from an elegant vol au vent to a homey turnover or puff . It;s your choice and a fun one too.

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