Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Juiced Up

Fresh pressed juice is part of the modern diet. Let's face it ,it is good for you and devoid of all that sugar badness other drinks haves.What's even better is that more and more juice companies are spraining up , offering wholesome tastiness along with a daily dosage of antioxidants and vitamins. New juice companies were the subject of an article in today's New York Times Dining section.Written by Dining regular,Jeff Gordonier,it delves into the new industry of pure and wholesome juices.There have always been juice companies, such as Dole,DelMonte and Tropicana, however these and others tend to produce a product,laden with sugar and water, not unlike sodas.The newer breeds stick to cold pressing which means every drop of juice is pressed out leaving an almost dry pulp.They even have all their nutrients thanks to the method that there is no heat involved in the making .(however rotor blades used in the process do heat up, tending to also heat up the juice). The new brands are varied and many.There is Blue Print which is coming out of Queens, a borough usually not known for it's health foods.The web site gives you the blueprint for starting your own juice cleanse.Some are strictly vegetables while others are fruit.Blue Print even offers the famed lemon juice and cayenne blend, made tolerable with the addition of agave.For manhattanites .there is the chain Organic Avenue which also offers up kale and spinach enriched drinks along with carrot and a natural Ginger ale mix that includes lemon.La,capital of celebrity juice cleanses has the ever trendy Juice Served Here which offers cleanse and baked items.Most of these juice bars and companies have nothing but good organic veggies and fruits, pressed into good for you concoctions. Juices and juice cleanses are a great way of improving your diet and health.You can make your own if you're lucky to have a juicer.If not ,try the new breed of what's out there.They will be a gift to your palate and body.

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