Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Mystery of Mung Beans

Most Americans don't have a clue as to what mung beans are. Yet they make up an important part of Asian cooking.They are easy to integrate into American cooking and become a part of everyday dining.Not only  that  they're a fun way of itroducing the family to cook food.

Mung or moong beans orginally came from Siberia and went as far south as India.This was 3,500 hundred years ago and the beans also hit the Thai penisula,It is also known as green or golden gran and made into several dishes mostly in the Indian subcontinent,.You can find them in southern United States and dry regions of Southern Europe as well.Mostly they''re used in Indian cuisiine where they're eaten with every meal from breakfast to dinner,In China, they're used more as a dessert and ice cream. as in Indonesia.Mung beans are usually eaten as pancakes with ginger in Indian cooking where these can be served all day long.

Mung beans can also find their way onto American tables as well.Most are used in healthy soup and rice recipes.They're a good source of dietery fiber and can be made a variety of ways.Many cooks use them as extra beans in bean soup.There is also a stew recipe which includes potatoes along with onions.The mung beans serve as the protein instead of meat You can make the Indian style pancakes however it's a long process that involves three to four hours freezing time.It's bascially as easy as making cookie dough and then rolling it out to fry it.

Mung beans are a different and exotic ingredient that can be added to any meal. Try them in a traditional pancake. or better yet in soup and stews.They're healthy and good for you along with being tasty.

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