Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Sweet No Sugar

It's been a part of our lives since infancy. We craved it as children , the addiction well lasting into our teens and adulthood.What is this ruinous food? sugar! pure and simple. the white stuff has been a part of our lives since we first learned to walk and talk.There is always candy around and treats laden with it.The problem is that it not only rots our teeth but ruins our immune system and plays havoc with our cholesterol .It's tough to get off it because it's like that other white powder - cocaine.What you can do is go for substitutes.Want cookies? Then try Kashi's different types made with evaporated cane sugar. Make your own soda with a carbonator and freshly juices. Even look into using Stevia and bring it with you when you go for coffee. Once you start weaning. Yourself ,then try to cut down on cakes and cookies, eventually eliminating them all together.Breads fall into this category as well as do crackers.You can switch over to whole grain breads if you want be keep this to a limit.Go back to occasionally snacking on fruit however ,be wary.Even though they are good for you ,they do turn into sucrose and glucose. try to sub in carrots which are naturally sweet into a dessert or snack.Some herbal teas suc as chamomile have a certain, slightly sugary taste to them.Try a hot or iced glass of it to satisfy those sugar cravings. Yes, sugar is sweet but it's also bad.Try to curb those cravings or at least wean yourself off them.You'll feel better and look better.What can be better than that.

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