Saturday, March 23, 2013

Going To The Grain

Grains are one of the most important elements of a good diet. However not many people incorporate them into their diets. Why is a good question. They can be made into several tasty dishes that are nutritious and support our body's needs. Not only that, there is a wide variety to choose from and throw together with some veggies and meat to create a healthy lunch or supper.

Whole grains or seeds contain all the essential parts and naturally occurring nutrients of the entire grain seed,They can range from the lesser known amaranth to the ever popular wild rice. In between are the more common, corn, rye and barley along with teff, triticale  sorghum and triticale. grains can be used as fillers or even stuffing. For some such as the rices and millet, they can be incorporated  into puddings and even cakes for dessert.Grains are always a plus for any diet. You can reduce heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer along with obesity.

If you're new to cooking with whole grains then start with simple recipes. Stuffed peppers are always easy and a fun dinner treat. Stuff with rice or quinoa along with tomatoes  Quinoa can also be made into stuffing as well as tabbouleh. Try rye in soups or breads .Barley is always good in soups but it can also be used in risottos and chilis. For mores exotic dishes use the grain from North Africa , amaranth can be eaten like popcorn, or cooked like grits.Millet , another good for you grain, can be made into a light ,fluffy pilaf or baked into healthy biscuits , muffins and breads.

Discover the goodness of the different grains out there. They can be easily made into tempting and tasty dishes. Try one or two to wet your feet or all of them  for a better diet.

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