Monday, February 25, 2013

Navigating Your Cafeteria

Everybody has to have cafeteria food sooner or later. It's one of the toughest eateries to wander through and find so ethnic tasty ,neatly and even safe.It can be done.Just choose carefully and you'll be fine. Cafeterias are usually busy between noon and one PM. If it's a large company one ,the it may open at seven or eight AM and serve breakfast.However don't expect an omelet bar and fancy granola.You will get scrambled eggs probably along with bacon and maybe sausage.They may even have hot oatmeal. Stick with this last because there's no grease or worry of salmonella .Most cafeterias have rolls, bagels , croissants and muffins.I'd say choose these.They're the safest and also filling. Some cafeterias will also have fruit plates such as university ones.This is an excellent breakfast or even snack. Lunch is another tricky path.Some colleges offer healthy choices ,taking into consideration vegans along with religious beliefs.Some, along with bigger companies offer a wide array of hot and healthy meals. Try chicken breast or salmon with rice , if you have the choice. If your work or school has veggies or turkey burgers try them every now and again. Safe bets are usually grilled cheese without bacon.Try to avoid overly greasy burgers along with anything with mayo.Some cafeterias keep stuff too long and you don't know how long some thing has been there. if it tastes bad or funny bring it back and demand a refund.Most cads wi Give you your money back. There are going to be days when you have to rely on your school or office cafeteria.Choose wisely and you'll be OK. You, your stomach and taste buds will survive

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