Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lent Arrives Help Others Or Yourself?

Today is Ash Wednesday the start of Lent. Christians and some good hearted people are torn between whether to give up their favorite foods or pastimes to help others.To be honest ,if you can do both that is great.There,s nothing like improving your diet along with making other lives better. if you Re going to give up foods ,give up the ones that you like.These are usual Y the bad ones too like cake, candy and ice cream.For going these also teaches yup to eat healthier Their.You'll be subbing in fresh fruits for dessert and with it added vitamins and fiber.Forty days without sugar also changes your palate and you may find yourself developing a distaste for all thing sugary.This also app Ies to salty and greasy fast food too.A few weeks without fries and chips and yes ,you'll see and feel a difference.Lent is also the time to eat more fishTry moreOmega3 filled salmon or enjoy red snapper.These fish are tasty grilled and good with veggies and a pilaf. Of course some people would prefer to give up their time.You can work at your town or church's soup kitchen.Even if you can't cook, there's always clean up.There's nothing wrong with scrubbing pots and pans.You can even help with cleaning vegetables and cutting them up for sides and soups.You can also help pout at your food pantry too.If yup own a store or bakery,donate what you can to it.This may lead to year round helping.There are also meals on wheels where you can deliver hot lunches to the informed and elderly. you may enjoy this so muc that it could be a year round occurrence. Lent can mean a variety of good deeds. You can be good to your body by giving up the bad foods ruining yourself. you may help others with kind deeds and home cooked meals.Whatever you do think of what will come out of it.

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