Monday, February 11, 2013

Is Butter Better?

We all know butter's tasty it makes unbearable veggies bearable.It adds a richness to sauces Nd baked goos.Yet we also know that it can also be bad for you? Or supoosedly it is.Yet is subbing it with margarine a good thing? can it enhance yup cooking as well as your baking? Butter has been around since the beginning of time. it's been the base of any a sauce for millennia. it laso has been the main ingredient in cakes and cookies, giving both their rich tastes and fine textures. Butter is also a better addition to sauces,creating a silken texture that goes well with any mreat or fish. also , rub butter on a raw chicken. Or turkey and the end result is crisped bird with a crisy, yet tender skin.Let's face it ,a lobster tastes a million times better when it's dipped in a rich butter sauce.Remember butter does burn quickly, and can ruin a dish. Be careful and diligent when working with it, MArgarine does have it's pluses,Many health nuts swear by its' benefits. yes it is low in calories an can add to various dishes.It is great to sauté with and won't burn as much as butter.It can be used in the same baked products as butter. Margarine can be mixed with olive oil as well for various sauces. some people do like margarine on their veggies because they are not as rich then. I tWas created in France in 1813 by Michel Chevrel.Like butter it is an emulsier and was used by the lower classes.LouisNapoleon even created a contest in 1838 With Hyppolyte Meges Mouries.It. Was used vin some dishes but most French dishes require butter. What is the better choice. to be honest it's best to stick with both .Butter and margarine can be used for both tasty dishes that are good for you. Have both in your fridge. This is dedicated to my little butter lover Midnight who we lost last night.He loved licking butter off my chin. I will miss my sweet boy and pray he has all the butter he wants up in Heaven.There will be a time when Mommy will join you, cupcake and we will have butter together again.

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