Friday, January 25, 2013

Slow Cooked Sweetness

Usually slow cookers are reserved for stews or even Swedish meatballs.However that's all changing thanks to a recipe book dedicated to slow cooked desserts.You can make all ousts of gooey goodies with it,from puddings to bars to even shortbread. The author , Jonnie Downing has written an interesting book regarding after dinner treats and a slow cooker.There are sorts of recipes in this latest offering from Ulysses Press.Anybody can make these neat desserts.There are creamy flans and fruit filled compotes along with easy box cakes and homemade puddings.The instructions are eassy and there are dozens of recipes to go through.The author,Jonnie Dowing and her daughter Elizabeth are the authors of a website devoted to everything crock pot. The book offers great hints too if you're planning on crock pot desserts.Also you can use other containers inside the slow cooker to make baking easier.Ms.Downing recommends ramekins,spring form pans, trivets, and pans.These are great for puddings , flans and souffles along with the last for breads.She also offers tips and hints to create a better dish,especially when it comes to using freshly grated spices and fresh fruits. If you're big into crackpot cooking, then this is the book for you.It has every kind of dessert from compotes to cakes,along with pies and puddings. It's perfect for those who don't have the time for baking yet want to have a fancy home cooked sweet.

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