Monday, January 28, 2013

Drink,Drink Drink

Everyone thinks summer is the season for hydration. Yet , it's now ,winter, that we need to amp up our liquid intake. Get out the bottles, get out the cups. It's time to increase how much we drink. It's not only good for us, but good for our throats. Since this is cold and flu season as well, it's good to have a fridge full of not only water but juices too. Think about having a bottle of water with you to cool a scratchy throat as well as even one with you when you shovel snow.Have water with you in the office or classroom. Every interior in the Northern Hemisphere is bone dry thanks to heating. this results in more parched throats.When you're home think about juicing . fresh juice is not only good for thirst but also helps in warding off flus and colds. Teas are another good cold weather drink. You can make your own using everything from lemon rinds to sliced Ginger root. These help in warding off the usual maladies of the season but also provide the body with powerful antioxidants and vitamins.Of course you can use regular bagged tea, preferably with lemon. this is better than coffee, especially on the office. If you're drinking a decaf tea, you won,t go through spurts and energy crashes. A nice, herbal tea will help keep you on a steady path and also feel better. Surprisingly it's winter that the most dehydrating season. tackle it with fresh fruit juice or home made tea. Even a bottle of water is helpful.Get hydrated this winter.

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