Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Winter Salads

Even though it's December you can still have a nice salad.It's a great alternatie to the usual hot soup or sandiwch fare most are eating.Besides there's nothing like a refreshing cool dish to revive you after a morning of X-mas shopping or after a  night of heavy eating.A homemade salad is a great perk during this season.

Salads can be made with a variety of different ingredients or just one. This is the season for cabbages and they can be shredded into a tasty main dish, If you want to make it more substantial, then added shredded cooked chicken along with water chestnuts .This is also the season for avocadoes.Use them, not in guacamole but a simple , refreshingsalad  where they're cubed and dressed with a vinaigrette.Another winter favorite, celery  can also be treated the same way as can be fennel. You can also mix these two for a tasty salad. Mixed salads are also good, Add some canned veggies such as corn niblets, string beans and beets.

What kind of dressing goes well with a cold weather salad? You can always go with a mayo based one.You many want to rethink that though if you feel heay and bloated after all those holiday buffets.A simple dressing is always the best because it brings out the veggie's sharp, earthy  flavors
have simple mixes of just olive oil blend with a red wine or apple cider vinegar.Toss in a small pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper.You can add some dried Rosemary or oregano if you want more taste. Even though it's the holidays , you can still indulge in a cool light salad.It's great antedate to all those hot , heavy holiday meals. Having greens now makes perfect sense, and a perfect alternative during these crazy days.

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