Friday, December 28, 2012

Holiday Detox

After weeks of goodies and more treats to come it's nice to have a day or two of food detox.Putting a cap on your diet can 've a good and healthy thing. you get away from the rich and decadent holiday grub.Your body will feel better and so will you. Consider starting with simple meals. Have a breakfast of hot oatmeal mixed with sliced apples and cinnamon. another simple breakfast is scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast. As for lunch, kiss good bye to rhose lush holiday noon meals. simple turkey salad or even an avocado and tomato on whole wheat.Broth and crackers are another smart choice too. dinner can be grilled chicken or salmon with aside of asparagus or green beans. keep the drinks to a scant minimum as well. holiday snacking can be the worst. This is cookie season where those little fat bombs abound.Instead of reaching for a handful, reach for a handful of grapes. these are high in iron which help in preventing colds and flus. pineapple is another sweet treat that healthy.Salty snacks are also putinfull force too. stick with almonds which are the best along with walnuts. if you want salty and crunchy nix the chips. eat pretzels and even celery for crunch. take sometime out from the holiday richness. Have a day of detoxing from those holiday goodies,You 'll feel better.

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