Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Salmon- Is It Good Or Bad?

We all hear the plus side of eating salmon.Yet, surprisingly there is a down side to this healthy fish.It can be bad for you at times. What's the up side of this tasty dish?What's the bad side? Are there many benefits  - or just one or two?

Salmon is one of the most popular fishes to eat. Everyone love;s the rich flavor and the meaty flesh, which is more textured that most fish.It's also very versatile too. Salmon can be used as a main dish or added to a salmon.You can grill, char or broil it.The plus side of it it's good for strengthening your muscles as well as tissues. It is chock full of Omega-3 which will lower your cholesterol.It also is responsible for preventing the  eye disease macular degeneration. Eating salmon will improve skin tone as well as making your hair shiny.The fish is full of the necessary Vitamin D, which helps in preventing breast and prostrate cancers.

Yet  salmon, especially farmed can have a dark side. Fish raised in a contained environment can absorb PCBs,dioxins, dieldrin and toxaphene, Dieldrin is a banned pesticide that is easily soaked up by the fish .Why a pesticide is in a contained area  is puzzling, however it is there. Toxaphene again is another pesticide that still persists in the environment. Both it and dieldrin can cause liver, and kidney cancer. However the risks for these are small in comparison to the benefits. The best bet is getting wild salmon which costs a little more than the farmed but is trouble free.

Is salmon good or bad for you? Mostly it's good. The risks from chemicals are small and practically non existent if you buy the wild variety. It's a good food, excellent for your health as well as being just downright delicious. Don't stop eating it.

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