Monday, September 24, 2012

Cooking It Old School

Nothing beats hand mashed potatoes or a scratch cake. These are relics of the recent past where women (and some men ) actually cooked and baked. Cooking old school may take time and much more effort than the modern microwaved stuff but it's worth it. Let's face it when homemade food is loved and devoured but the whole family then it's time to rethink one's cooking techniques.

In this day and age , we all tend to reach for anything that's can be cooked and eaten in minutes. While this is convenient, it's not necessarily good for you .Most food, are chock full of preservatives from simple safe chemicals to  to some that are questionable. If you feel your life is too busy and hectic , then start simply. One if you have the time cook and freeze on the weekend. Eat later in the week when time is too squeezed to whip up an entire home cooked meal..As far as baked goods bake and then store., or have the cake or pie that night as a special dessert. This last can be created once or twice a month.

What foods can be made the way our moms and grandmothers made them? An easy no brainer one is mashed potatoes. Now you can cheat and get microwaveable potato chunks. These can then be poured into a bowl and masked with milk or cream along with butter. You an serve this with sliced roast beef and jarred gravy. Meat loaf is another simple dish that even a child could make. All it takes is ground beef, an egg along with breadcrumbs.. This can also be turned into leftovers as sandwiches. Soups are another old school dish that can be made by hand. Stock is easy to make and freeze too. You can create a myriad of soups with any broth  , whether, it's chicken beef, vegetable or fish.

Cooking it old school doesn't only give you good food but healthier food. It's made with elbow grease and love as opposed to  chemicals. Try it today and see the results.

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