Saturday, September 29, 2012

Apple Picking Time

Now that it's officially fall, it's time to pick apples. This is the season when some of the best varieties are ripe and ready for desserts or just a healthy snack..What are the  kinds to look for right now? There are several that ripen in early to mid October. It's just a matter of knowing what to  pick.

Right now several types are ripening. These are perfect for almost everything from pie filling to crisps. They;re also good just sliced and dipped in caramel. Braeburn apples are probably the most abundant right now. These have red and orange vertical stripes and have a combination sweet and tart flavor.Because of their completely rounded or spherical shape they are the best for baked apples. The Rome variety which is the most widely known is the perfect apple we see depicted in still lifes as well as being the symbol for all apples. The flesh is very firm and meaty.They're also good for baked apples although they re better sliced  and dotting an apple crumb cake.

If you want something just a tad different then try the Winesaps or Granny Smiths. Winesaps are mainly used in cider production although  they're  better in baking. They impart a sweet ,almost mild taste to breads, cakes and muffins.They have a firm texture which is good for any cooking or baking application, You can even slice and cook them with a roast loin of pork. Granny Smiths are fine for the taking as well. These are bright green and have a lovely tart taste that make them perfect for candy or caramel apples However they;re excellent in salads too.You can even slice them into a slaw with raisins carrots and walnuts. This would be perfect for those tailgating barbecues  and would offset  the smokiness of bratswursts hot dogs and hamburgers.

This is  the time to head to an orchard and start picking.There are so many different varieties , to make into a slew of dishes. You can have your pickings baked or dipped in caramel, turned into a salad or a side dish. Use them anyway you can to enjoy fall's bounteous harvest!

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