Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Vegan Birthdays

What to make for any birthday party can be tough. A vegan birthday is usually ten times as worse. There's no meat along with dairy or eggs. This can make any kind of food from appetizers to cake daunting.Yet surprisingly enough you can create a tasty feast from starters to desserts.

Beans and legumes are a big part of any vegans diet.A fun party treat is a garbanzo bean or white bean hummus. This can be made with several additions such as garlic or lemon along with lime. Have toasted pita cut into triangles for fun dipping. Salsa and guacamole dips can also be made and served with chips or even pretzels.As the party progresses soy or black bean burgers can be served on pitas or egg and dairy free rolls. (look into your local grocery store or make the rolls yourself ). There are even vegan corn dogs which can be served with a variety of dips. A veggie plate may seem cliched but it is the perfect platter and side for any vegan celebration.

The dessert and birthday cake part is the  toughest.Most big cities do have dairy and egg free cakes and cupcakes. They  are usually in tasty flavors like chocolate mint or even cinnamon spice. However if you're far from the big city the Internet  can provide you with enough recipes so there can be celebratory cakes and sweets. Another fun idea is again as cliched as a veggie plate but a fruit platter with  a tangy honey lemon dip can be a lovely way to end a meat free , evening. Also homemade fruit palletas or Mexican Popsicles are a neat way of ending a summer barbecue,

A vegan party is a pretty easy affair to create. It may take some extra planning but you can have the same fun foods as a regular party. The only twist - no animals were harmed .

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