Saturday, July 21, 2012

Summer Birthdays

Summer birthdays can always be fun. There a reba variety of different ways to celebrate,from an elegant tea to a raucous barbecue. Either way it's good food and drink. Sometimes the best parties are just simple, quiet ones. A lovely Sunday afternoon tea works well.Create an atmosphere of elegance with small finger sandwiches and champagne or sparkling wine. Make easy chicken and ham salads using deviled meats mayo and herbs. These are always crowd pleasers. Other fillings can be cucumber and watercress on white bread. You can also serve shrimp cocktail in little bowls along with salads with a berry infused vinaigrette. Of course there should be a birthday cake but have an airy one. Try a sponge or plain vanilla with whipped cream. Serve with some strawberries and or blueberries. A summer birthday party can be loud and raucous too. There's nothing like a fun barbecue full of good food and drinks. Here you can have themes,from down home to Mexican. You can even go over the top with deep fried turkey or even a roasted suckling pig. Make sure you have enough servings as well as enough time to cook meats this major.On a smaller scale think ribs, steaks and quarter pounders. Fried or barbecued chicken is also fun.Of course there are themed from having Italian heroes to Mexican fajitas. End with a tasty store bought ice cream cake.Some family owned ice-cream parlors cam custom make them with peanut butter or chocolate mint ice-cream . Summer birthday parties can be as low key or as wold as you want.There are so many different ways to go and so many different types of food to serve.Any way is the best way.

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