Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gadget Crazy

All foodies , chefs and home cooks love anything that makes cooking prep fun, It creates a fun atmosphere and makes the time go by quickly. It also brings about a deeper love of cooking - no matter what's involved. From the egg timer to the food processor gadgets have captured our hearts and kitchens.

That was the subject of William Grimes' article in the Dining section of The New York Times. He interviews famous chefs along with those in the culinary arts. Some like the famed chef Sarah Moulton have bought gadgets that seem almost too dangerous as her pressure cooker. Afraid to use it Ms.Moulton has relegated it to her  closet.Sometimes the gadget is too complicated to use as was the case with Julia Collin Davison, the executive food editor of America;s test Kitchen book section, Ms Davison bought a salmon poacher that's just too hard to employ.

Sometimes  the gadget is too exotic as was the polenta maker that Christopher Koetke , the vice president of Chicago's Kendall College culinary arts department. It looked too intriguing, had to be bought and now is collecting dust. The same can be said for for handmade knives that Mr Koetke bought on his trips to Japan. Jack Bishop, an editorial director , also of America's Test Kitchen also knows the feeling of buyer's regret.He bought authentic Mexican molcajetes and French escargot tongs without ever trying them.

Gadgets seduce us , especially the kitchen ones.Some we'll use. Some we won't. For the ones we never use, at least they're on hand.

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