Monday, February 20, 2012


Salt makes up most of our diets, surprisingly enough.We use it in everything from caramels to fries. However as we all know the white stuff can be bad for us , we can change our habits.We can wean ourselves off NaCl by using other spices and even a form of salt itself. It may take willpower but the end result is worth it. Flavor can come in a variety of ways.There are spices, herbs and even veggies that will enhance any dish. Try using onions or onion juice when making burgers or meat loaf.Lime or lemon juice can be used for chicken.Even orange juice can be used in making dressings for slaws and salads more delicious. Spices are a must . Try cumin or chili for livening up everything from eggs to stews. Also giving everything a little dash of pepper creates a burst of flavor as well.Think herbs too ,from the tried and true oregano to mint for rubs or marinades. Even though salt should be taboo adding a small amount of it can bring some liveliness to bland dishes. Be judicious and add only a few flakes. These are more intense in taste than regular grains so only a small amount will do.Get into the habit of buying sea salt over regular salt. There are many different varieties from lavender infused to the famed black tinted one.Also using sea salt will get you into the good habit of using less regular salt in restaurants and fast food joints. Going salt free may seem easier than what foodies may think. All it takes is creativity and willpower. it's the first step for a healthier diet and healthier life.

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