Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paula Deen And Her Controversy

Paula Deen is considered many things.To some she represents true American cooking . To others she vilifies the art. One thing she is  is honest. Recently this celebrity chef came out with her biggest secret .It will definitely affect her and her fans.

Ms.Deen's problem illness was the subject of an article in yesterday's New York Times Dining section. Dining regular Julia Moskin explores the controversy regarding Ms. Deene's revelation of her having Type 2 diabetes.This affects the way the chef  cooks which has always been too sugary and buttery. Her meals are rich , concentrating more on taste than nutrition.Even rival chef , Anthony Bourdain has called her "the worst, most dangerous person on the Food Network." However having this condition may surprisingly be a blessing.

The great chef will have to change her way of cooking and her food choices. Southern cooking , by definition , is always deep fried and dangerous. Vegetables are rarely used and if they are , they''ve been drowned in rich sauces or batter fired. meats are no different . Desserts tend to be overly sweet and just plain lush. Ms. Deen will have to incorporate more steaming in her cooking as well as incorporating less sugar and salt and more herbs and spices.She may have to recommend ending meals with fresh fruits  as opposed to pies and layer cakes. it may be a restricted way of eating but one that is certainly beneficial.

Will her fans buy the new Paula Deen? Yes, if they're loyal followers. They may see her as an example of turning an unhealthy lifestyle around to a healthier, better one.

1 comment:

  1. I was formerly a loyal fan to Mrs.Deen, and I will tell you why everyone is up in arms over this. Mrs.Deen for a period of over ten years has been perpetuating the most unhealthy lifestyle and cooking techniques onto all of America.

    She owns several restaurants, a store front, published several cook books, and has a variety of non-stop television shows and appearances that always perpetuate unhealthy eating.

    In addition to this she missed a great opportunity to help individuals with this disease over the past three years she has known her diagnosis. She only became honest with us when she had to due to the multimillion dollar deal she signed with a diabetes drug maker. Over those past three years she could have changed the trajectory of her show, came out with a diabetic cook book or recipes for those battling obesity, hypertension, heart issues, or diabetes, (which most americans battle at least one of those issues) and instead shes been deep frying turkey,cheesecake and putting a double bacon cheeseburger between two glazed donuts.

    I watched her show regularly and never once heard her preach moderation, I also feel that no one is going to cook one of her large calorie laden, sugar and butter filled recipes only to have a forkful, like she has recommended in her most recent television appearances.

    Even if you only ate one of her recipes each week (in moderation as she would say) You would still be increasing your risk to a multitude of diseases due to the fact that the portion size, calorie content, sugar, butter, and other products are usually way outside of recommended dosages.

    We as former loyal fans overall feel cheated and scammed, and further feel she has wanted to turn her loyal fan base into future customers for her the new expensive diabetes drug she is peddling.

    For more information about the entire controversy check out
