Friday, January 6, 2012

Olallieberries New Fruit To Try

Just when you think there's nothing new to try, something unusual pops up. That for me is the olallieberry. It's a fruit that's been around since the Thirties yet I've just discovered it. This cross between a loganberry and a blackberry can be used in various dessert dishes or just as a snack.

Olallieberries are a hybrid between a logan and a blackberry. First crossbred in 1935 by botanist,S.J. Harvey and the US Department of Agriculture the fruit was named after the Chinook word for berry. They were first tested in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California and grew like crazy in Oregon.It is sometimes called the marionberry or just marion. The nutritional value is the same as the blackberry which means they are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C. Like the other they are harvested in early  June to mid July. The plant is a bramble plant , meaning it has spiny thorns protecting the fruit.The taste is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry.

Oregonians have a field day  with the fruits during harvest time. There are olallieberry jams and preserves as well as baked goods.Since they're almost like blackberries they can be made into crisps,crumbles and pies. Some chefs and home cooks use them for a sauce. They're also good just plain with ice cream or whipped cream. Right now though you can only  buy the olallieberry in jam or syrup form on line. It would be good topping fresh baked biscuits or scones or on top of an English muffin.The syrup would be a welcome change from maple , topping everything from pancakes to French toast.

Make this the year to experiment with new foods. The olallieberry is one that you have to try. Get in preserve form now or wait til the harvest season to experience this truly interesting fruit.

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