Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Feasting Well

Tomorrow is one of the biggest eating days of the year.It's a time to indulge in every favorite holiday food for almost an entire day. The question is can our stomach manage it?Is it right to eat three helpings of stuffing or four of turkey and green bean casserole? The answer is surprising.

This quandary was the entire topic of Jesse McKinley's article in today's New York Times Dining section. The writer even interviewed such food contest champs as Crazy Legs Conti. Mr. Conti has had his share of gluttony in the past. After all he is the country's reigning sweet corn eating champion. He wants "civilians" to go easy tomorrow and actually today as well. Don't spend today fasting. It'll only result in overeating tomorrow. Try little meals and a sensible breakfast instead. You'll eat the turkey dinner as if you were eating a regular meal then, with some moderation because you've already filled up earlier.

What about those calorie counters?Another group that has headaches with tomorrow's feast. Again Mr. Conti offers this suggestion : don't beat yourself up too much. People have a tendency to chastise themselves for overeating. The best bet is to let those feelings go and enjoy the meal. Another guilt free method is sticking to the lower calorie foods. Opt for celery sticks and crudites along with slices of plain turkey breast. Skip the usual gravy stuffing and anything with sweet potatoes and marshmallows.Also just drink seltzer which has zero calories or water.

In the end though you can indulge in as much as you want. The body does adjust according to doctors who were also interviewed. Gobble away on that pecan pie or turkey leg. You can walk away the calories the next day anyway during your Black Friday trip to the mall.

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