Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Teen Rebellion Healthy Food

There's always for something for teenagers to rebel against. It's in their nature. The latest battle is over the healthy food that's now being offered high school cafeterias across America. Kids refuse to eat the good for them stuff and instead go for the bad. For now Doritos and Coke are winning out.

Is it wise to ditch the healthy stuff? After all teens can basically eat anything and get away with it, right?. Yes and no. Some teens suffer from obesity and also the complications that go with it. Little ones as young as ten are now being diagnosed with high blood pressure and weight problems.It does start with eating habits. Luckily the younger they are the more acceptable to better choices. Teens not so much so. After all they still smoke and drink, despite those warnings. Eating healthy is just another concept to be laughed at.

Cafeterias are making great commitments to creating healthier menus. Most are losing all those red meat faves and in their stead serving more turkey and soy products,. Also gone are the fries and baked mac. School administrators are advocating steamed veggies and smoothies in place of these. Yet kids refuse to bite. They head straight to vending machines where all sorts of dietary horrors await them. Some reason why pay money for fruit when they can get it at home for free. The same goes for veggie snacks and dips. Teens would rather have an unhealthy lunch of Cheese Doodles and sodas followed by Twix bars and ice cream cones. They can get these at home for free as well. Why they don't give these up is a mystery.

High schoolers will always find something to rebel against. It's in their natures. Let's hope they buck this bad food trend and start eating healthy during their college years.

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