Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Faves

Halloween brings back all sorts of ghosts- good and bad. The best is candy. We all have memories of our faves - whether they're the classic or commercial type.Even as adults we manage to sneak in a few treats today, just to satisfy our inner child. Besides there's nothing as fun as having a few candy corns or a peanut butter cup as dessert.

The idea of giving out candy for Halloween is relatively recent starting in the late 1930's. Previously homemade treats, such as popcorn balls and candy apples, were given out to trick or treats to prevent them from doing damage to homes and properties. The candy companies jumped on this idea and soon people were giving out Mars Bars and candy kisses. World War II interrupted the holiday however it became popular again in the late Forties. Not only candy was given out back then but also small toys, nickels and cookies. Halloween was also now a national holiday with every home in the US giving out treats. It was a boon to the candy industry who previously had a lull in sales right before Christmas.

The baby boomers took the holiday to a high art. This is when all sorts of faves were introduced, from candy cigarettes to Raisinettes. Some homes even gave out the rare treat of wax lips or wax whistles along with pixie sticks. Now trick or treaters get an entire cornucopia of goodies thanks to many companies producing bags with three different types of candy bars.My favorites were always the candy cigarettes along with Smarties. Peanut butter cups were also good as were - and still are mini Hershey bars. Of course candy corn is a fun nibble too, whether it's the original or the chocolate flavored Indian corn.

Everyone has a favorite Halloween candy. They're like what madeleines were to Proust. One bite brings back a flood of good trick or treating memories.

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