Friday, September 2, 2011

The Time for Food Drives

Winter will be on us soon although it is only September.It is a time to think of those less fortunate and what they do to survive during the cold months ahead. You can be in charge of one at your kid's school or go one step further and have one with your neighbors or office mates. Even groups of friends can get together and start a successful food drive.

The first step is to get organized. Either pick yourself or someone who has a lot of extra room to be the designated drop off. Then it's time to group together and discuss what charity you want to donate to and when. Many churches in the area do have food pantries and they would appreciate the extra cans. After all many people are still jobless and use these places on a weekly basis. if you live in a metropolitan area then there are plenty of shelters (sadly enough) who would appreciate canned and dry goods. Go on the internet and do a thorough search .Drop off stations will come up , either by town , county, parish or state.

What should you donate? Formula , surprisingly is number one. A lot of families cannot afford this and it and diapers would be greatly appreciated. Canned food , certainly, such as veggies that are chock full of vitamins .These can be made into a variety of tasty sides and also can keep for months. Think about chilis and tinned meat ssuch as tuna, deviled chicken and ham. Another must are pastas and sauces. These are perfect for those with fussy kids and any pasta dish is filling and nutritious. Canned fruits are excellent choices too.Although not as nutritious as the fresh ones , they still can be handy and also can be made into different desserts. Also think about donating pet foods because many in need do have cats and dogs that they're struggling to feed.

Cold weather may seem like a lifetime away right now. However it's not too early to think about food drives for the poor and needy. The more you collect, the more they'll benefit.Start right away for a successful drive.

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