Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Preserve Us!

Some people may lament the summer's leaving and all the harvest that comes with it. However you can still enjoy what's left of this last harvest and fall's new one by preserving. This homespun method has always been received with a smirk however there is nothing like them. Homemade jams and jellies go well with everything from fresh baked scones and muffins to ice creams and pudding. It's a great way of getting more out of your harvests.

Preserving or canning does take some time and involvement. You do have to have special canning jars with two piece lids for success. The lids consists of a small cap that seals the jar's rim along with an outer part known as the screw or band cap that keeps the inner one in place. You'll also need a large covered waterbath. This is a large pot that looks like a lobster pot . It has a removable metal basket at the bottom and this lifts the jars from the water. You can use a stock pot with a wire cooling rack too. You'll need a jar lifter as well. These look like large tongs and are useful in lifting the hot jars from the water. You'll also need a funnel and a non metallic spatula or knife. .Use these to break any bubbles that may have formed in the jars. Pectins are also needed in the preservation process. These are fruit based gels that helped bind and solidify the preserves.

One you have the equipment you can have fun with what you want to preserve. It's good to use high acidity fruits and tomatoes. They go through the process the best. Most people use strawberries but you can also can other berries such as raspberries or blackberries. Figs can also be preserved along with pears. This last will be entering its' harvest season right along with apples and grapes. Remember that most grocery markets are able to ship fruit in from South America all year round so you can still preserve summer faves likes peaches, and apricots well into December. You can also take advantage of the winter's citrus crop. There are some great recipes for preserved grapefruit and oranges .

Preserving is a great way to hold onto the summer and fall harvests. Homemade preserves are also a great way to liven up any dessert along with adding extra flavor to muffins or biscuits. Try this time honored method for keeping that just picked taste.

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