Saturday, September 24, 2011

Healthy Tailgating

Healthy and tailgating usually aren't used in the same sentence however it can be done. You can create healthy football fare that's both tasty and good for you. The best part is that you won't be sacrificing favorites or flavor. Another good thing is that they're easy to make.

Most parking lot parties start out with a grill.After all there's nothing like the taste of a well done burger or dog. However these can be bad for you with all that cholesterol and nitrates added. Switch to turkey or vegan substitutes. They taste the same yet provide you with lower calories and less preservatives. Also there is so much variety with veggie burgers these days you can bring four or five different types. Flavors range from the spicy Southwestern to the mushroom lovers to the tomato and soy cheese Italian. Serve on either rye or pumpernickel rolls for a healthier alternative to white bread.

Sides can be made just as healthy too. Cole slaw , always a favorite, can be pared down . It can have added crunch by introducing carrots and both red and green pepper strips to it. Also cut out the mayo and sub in a vinaigrette. Potato salad, long a tailgater standard, can be made with less mayo as well,or even with just oil and red wine vinegar. Add some onions and celery for flavor and texture . If your crew demands a macaroni salad, again make it healthier with spelt or whole wheat pasta and splash it with a low cal Italian dressing.

Tailgating is fun. Yet it doens't have to wreck havoc with your diet or health concerns. You can create a tasty, healthy party that's sure to create fans!

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