Monday, September 5, 2011

Fruits of Their Labor

Everyone, enjoy their their Labor Day. Just remember that whether you eat in or out there are several people responsible for your meal.

If you've gone to the grocery store thank the people there who work hard to maintain a good and clean place where you can buy your food. Also keep in mind the workers who pick your veggies and fruits along with dairy workers and those who work in plants to give you everything from cookies to cold cuts.

If you're eating out today, then tip your waiter a dollar or two extra for their help. Waiting tables is no joke as is cooking in a diner . Short order cooks have to create a variety of dishes in practically no time at all. Also leave an extra dollar for the bus boy too. They are the ones who have the messy job of cleaning up after you.

Whatever you eat today think about the tons of workers who made it happen and hope that they have a a day off from their toils and labors.

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