Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer Sides

By now everyone has probably had about a good twenty or thirty cookouts depending upon where they live. As always , it's the ribs, burgers, and dogs that are the stars. What about the sides? The salads and other dishes are the ones that hold up a barbecue or picnic. it's not all about the meat. People would get bored wit h that. remember it's always the sides that hold up a summer party.

What should summer sides be? Anything from corn on the cob to salads. If you want to stick with something plain and simple then think solo acts. There's nothing like serving just simple corn ears or baked potatoes. If you want to jazz them up a bit then drizzle herbed olive oil on the corn or serve it with ramekins of simple lightly salted butter. Baked potatoes should go simple too. (after all they're the perfect accompaniment to grilled steak). Think an herbed or plain butter and maybe a small dollop of chilled sour cream. Asparagus is also another good "lone" side. You can have it in a salad with vinaigrette dressing or grilled with some olive oil and lemon.

If you insist on something a bit more substantial then think salads. You can have a festive macaroni salad next to a regular one. Or serve both a zippy cole slaw and a tomato salad. Of course the best is a potato salad which can go with everything from steaks to burgers. Potato salads can vary . Make the traditional German kind with mayo and celery or try the Sicilian version that involves small red potatoes and olive oil. What is great about any salad is that you can make it well before the dinner or party which leaves you plenty of prep time for the main course.

Remember a summer barbecue or party isn't the same without the sides. There are so many of them to choose from. Each can compliment the mains . After all burgers and dogs can't stand on their own. They need a good side alongside them!

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