Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer Indulgences

Even though the warm weather is here you can still indulge (although it is bikini season). Just like in the cooler months you can treat yourself to something wonderful and rich. Let's face it although it's just bordering on the first day of summer you're probably tired of all that grilled chicken with everything and meager watermelon slices.

Every roadside stand and beach hut has some great sandwiches right now. Don't think twice about a chili dog with extra onions and cheese. Have it with a big cup of beer. whether it be the alcoholic, birch or root kind.(and whatever kind you have make sure it has a big, foamy head).Another summertime treat is a fresh off the grill burger smothered in a good sharp cheddar with a few strips of bacon or even Canadian bacon. Lobster roll is another foodie gift to oneself. It's just a meal of pure indulgence with a wicked blend of lobster and mayo on a buttered hot dog bun. If you want a food that's somewhere in between then go for barbecued wings. Yes, the chicken is good for you however that calorie rich barbecue isn't.

If you're dying for something sweet, then get one of those coffees that's more of a dessert than a drink.Anyplace from Starbucks to Dunkin Donuts is serving them with a vengeance this summer .Opt for a chocolate one with a huge puff of whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Dunkin Donuts has its version of the famed frozen hot cocoa which tastes like a chocolate shake on steroids. Of course there's the old fashioned banana split that's easily made at home.Use flavor intense ice creams like vanilla, butter pecan, chocolate or strawberry and add two very ripe bananas. Finish up with your favorite topping and ,of course whipped cream. You can also make a luscious ice cream sundae too.

Even though this is the season for skinniness, treat yourself to some lush, calorie rich foods every now and then, It's fun and , yes, satisfying to sink your teeth into a juicy bacon cheese burger or an iced cream sundae. Forget that it's the start of bikini season. Treat yourself to something yummy!

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