Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tomato Guide

The warm weather is here and with it will come a dearth of tomatoes. These wonderful garden gems are perfect in every summer dish, from sandwiches to kabobs. Yet what kind of tomato goes with what dish ?There are several different varieties to choose from and add to your summer diet. Some work well as a main ingredient .Others carry on better as second strings. What to use and when?

Tomatoes are categorized roughly into sizes and shapes. What you buy in the grocery store are mostly called "globe". These are do all tomatoes. They can be sliced for sandwiches or used in a fresh pasta sauce. They can be quartered for salads or hollowed out to hold egg or tuna salad. Beefsteaks are the biggest and they're great sliced on their own or in a hamburger. However storebought beefsteaks are not the best tomato to buy. They have very thin skin which can be easily bruised. If you do want them then buy them off a roadside stand or farm where they have been fresh picked.

Smaller tomatoes are also tasty and can be used in a variety of dishes. Plum tomatoes are good just sliced and in salads but they're better off being made into sauce. They have thicker flesh.Their cousin, the grape tomato, a recent hybrid are excellent in salads or just as a great snack or appetizer . They can be spritzed with olive oil and then sprinkled with sea salt. Cherry tomatoes are one of the season's most versatile.Bigger and juicier than They can be used in all sorts of salads from mozzarella and Romaine to grilled kabobs . They are sweet and that adds to any dish .

Tomatoes are a great addition to the summer diet. Use the right ones to create yummy and nutritous dishes . There's a big variety out there for so many good recipes

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