Friday, May 27, 2011

A Squeeze Of Lime

Limes are one of the most wonderful fruits. They are incredibly versatile and add a certain flip to any dish , especially summer ones. You can zest up a cocktail with then, use them for grilling or make a tart, eye opening ice or pastry . They are a must have. Add them to your warm weather grocery list.

Like their cousins, the lemon and the orange, limes are from the Citrus family. Lime trees have leathery leaves and fragrant white flowers.The fruit is generally smaller than lemons and has a thinner rind. Like lemons, they are high in Vitamin C. but also Vitamin A and calcium. The British fend limes to their sailors during the 1800s to ward off scurvy. (hence the nickname "Limey").Limes are not only used for food. They are also the base and top notes in several colognes and perfumes. The first trees were grown in Southeast Asia and they still figure prominently in the cooking there. It was also grown in ancient Persia where it was known as limu. Crusaders brought them back to Europe with them where they flourished in Mediterranean countries.

Limes are wonderful in summer cooking. Squeeze lime over grilled chicken or tuna for a lively bite. You can also use it to make cerviche since the acid "cooks" the fish. Lime dressing is a refreshing twist on vinaigrette and it gives a lift to ordinary veggies like tomatoes and broccoli. Limeade and mojitos are wonderful, tasty drinks at any gathering. You can also add lime to iced tea as a more interesting alternative to lemon. Every picnic deserves to be ended with Key Lime pie or tartlets.

There is nothing like a squeeze of lime to add zest to any summer meal. Buy several and use them for everything. They liven up drinks and meals, adding extra flavor to barbecues and picnics.They are a definite buy for warm weather cooking and drinking.

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