Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Good Browned Meat

There are so many ways ot cook meat, Searing, grilling, baking roasting, the list goes on and on. However most home chefs forget about a relatively easy method called browning. This is a great way of cooking meat while retaining its' true taste.It's not overpowered by the process. browning actually works with whatever you're cooking. Browning meat was the subject of a great article in yesterday's New York Times Dining section. The article, written by John Willoughby, tells how to perfectly brown meats such as pork or lamb. Browning or braising is big in Moroccan cuisine where it's used in many a tagine or fragrant stew. Browned meat can also be used in Vietnamese or Indian cooking as demonstated in the article's recipes for clay pot pork and braised chicken thighs with Indian flavors. (there is also a great recipe for tagine lamb stew too). Most browning takes place with a Dutch oven . The meat needs to be covered so there is a nice slow and even browning process. Browning or braising is also a great way of maintianing the true flavor of the piece.It's also a good way of ridding any meat of fat, resulting in a tender and juicy bite. Another thing is that even simple spices can take on layers and subtleties. Stud braised beef with peppercorns while cooking and it becoming something exotic .It aloso lets the meat's juice flavor infuse any accompanying veggies and even fruits . In turn the meat could also be infused with their juices too. Braising or browning is about the best way to cook meat. It can create a tender, flavorful dish . It can turn a simple cut ino something exotic and different. Browning slowly , yet magically, turns ordinary cuts into special creations.

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