Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ash Wednesday Time For Changes

Today is Ash Wednesday in the Christian calendar. it;s a time when most give up their favorite foods or even necessities like butter and milk. It;s a season of fasting however it's may also be a time to look change dietary ways.

Most people usually give up some food that they love for Lent. Some even go vegan which is a good idea. This is the time to explore other options, such as soy and quorn. Once you've given up faves like bacon or burgers you can look into the soy alternatives which taste the same and are good for you. (let's face it we all will crave the foods we give up.)These are great subs if you;re completely dying for bacon and eggs or just a nice grilled cheese burger. If you're giving up dairy and butter, then then are also soy made alternatives. Not only is there soy milk , but also almond and rice. As for butter there is pure coconut oil to cook with and the old standard margarine.

For those of you who have given up sweets, think about the alternative - fresh fruit. This is the time to become reacquainted with bananas , apples and oranges. Instead of craving a Hershey's kiss , think about a nice , juicy, iron rich grape. If you feel like ice cream,. then then eat a fruit yogurt which has plenty of calcium but little calories. You'll also feel better too because you're eating fiber and protein as opposed to allergy inducing glutens. Forbidding yourself that piece of cake never felt so good - or so right. too

Lent should be the time of fasting and repentance but it can also be a time of rediscovery. Giving up the bad means eating healthy. You may just change over to this lifestyle year round.

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