Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Soup Homemade Vs Canned Controversy

This is the weather when soup reigns supreme. It;s the perfect lunch after a morning shoveling snow. It's the ideal light supper on a Sunday night after a day of skating skiing or even just walking. The question is to make it fresh or open a can? What's best? What's easiest? There in lies the question

Of course fresh , homemade soup is the healthiest for you. You don't have all that extra sodium that soup companies add to theirs. You also know the ingredients are fresh and at times organic. You can tailor the mixes to fit your families likes and dislikes as well as allergies. However they are time consuming t make. There is a lot of prep time for ingredients such as squash , broccoli and cauliflower Seafood has to be precooked and shelled. Meats have to be deboned and cut up. if you make too much you'll have a freezer full til June.

Canned soups do have an allure to them. One it;s just opening up the can and dumping it into a waiting saucepan. This is a plus for the more complicated soups such as Italian wedding and any of the clam chowders.Also you don;t have to go on a wild goose chase of the out of season ingredients such as broccoli or tomatoes. The down side are the sodiums along with the preservatives which can trigger allergic reactions. You can buy all natural organic soups however some taste like dish water.

The best bet is to make the soups you're familiar with and buy the more complicated ones . Vary between then them. Any soup is good , especially during these cold times.

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