Thursday, February 3, 2011

Finding The Perfect Sake

Sake is one of those beverages that people, think they know but really don;t. A lot of Americans only think there's one brand or one kind and that it goes with anything Asian.They're wrong , of course. Like any alcoholic beverage, there are varying degrees along with varied ingredients and tastes.Like any wine , liquor or champagne, once acquainted it becomes a lifelong love.

This was explored in yesterday's New York Times Dining section. There was an very good and interesting article by Jeff Gordinier, a new Dining regular. he explores the different kinds out there and in the city where sake is king - Las Vegas. yes that Las Vegas, home of cheese and cheap liquor. It 's also a hangout for "whales" high rolling gamblers mostly from Asia who demand the best food and drink. One of the best sakes served on the Strip is the twelve year old aged Frozen beauty or Ancient beauty(think of it as the Angel Champagne of sake) that sells for $2,300 a 750 ml. bottle.

There are several different kinds out there. One,Maborishi, is made from the yeast of apple peels which adds to the drinks' aroma. After all it's a fermented drink (not quite classified as wine or beer)made solely from fermented rice and water. There's also one called Ice Dome which ferments in an igloo and sells for forty dollars a bottle. Most Japanese restaurants serve Sudo Honke sake made form Japan;s oldest brewery. The brewery was started in 1141 and has been in the Sudo family for an amazing fifty-five generations.

Sake isn't complicated. It's a brew , not unlike other alcoholic beverages with a fermenting process and different types. Like with any alcoholic drink , once it's tried it will be a favorite.

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