Monday, January 3, 2011

Tough Foodie Resolutions

It's tough being a foodie and dealing with new year's resolutions. After all what's bad for us is usually the tastiest. What's good for us usually isn't. What to do? Try to be good throughout the whole year but throw in a little naughtiness along the way (which I guess can be said for life in general too).

If there's something you crave like soda (my vice) then in once in a while. Slowly wean yourself away from it. Try flavored seltzer which has the carbonation and the taste but no sugar and absolutely no calories. Surprisingly it's a refreshing kick , especially with ice added. There are some great flavors too , like lemon lime, peaches and cream and my fave black cherry. For fast food lovers think about having that burger and fries maybe once a month. That way it's something you can still eat but it;s becomes a treat rather than a habit.

The worst foodie vice - anything dessert or sweet. Candy is just the downfall of anyone making a resolution. You can change your sugar habit Try the extra dark chocolate which is much better for you than the milk. Or better yet. try chocolate covered cranberries and blueberries. Yes. they;re decadent but the dark chocolate and the berries are a little more healthier than those milk chocolate enrobed caramels. Cakes and cookies are another matter. Limit yourself to maybe a treat once in a great while. have a cup cake every so often to satisfy your cravings. That usually does to for many sugar addicted foodies.

I;ts tough making any kind of resolution and sticking to it. Luckily with food there are so man ways t get around it while still resolving . it just takes creativity and a bit of will power.

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