Saturday, January 15, 2011

Foodie Blues

Even foodies get the blues. it;s that doldrums time when holiday goodies are now just a memory and the Super Bowl feasts are just a dream. Winter stews aren't just hearty anymore. They're boring. All those soups and grilled cheese sandwiches are becoming flat. What to do?

Liven up your diet. Better yet liven up the whole culinary experience

i;ts January , time to try new things. Eat stuff you've never dared eat. If you've always had reservations about cuisines you've never tried, now is the time to do so. Make them yourself or visit restaurants. Eat foods that aren't normally associated with winter. A lot of people just crave a big green salad in the middle of all this ice and snow. Go for it. There's something refreshing about a lunch of Cobb or Caesar salad with a glass of iced tea. or do the fun breakfast for dinner route. have pancakes a long with bacon and eggs for supper . Or just serve appetizers like wings or pigs in blanket for a lunch or dinner.

Another fun foodie idea is take cooking and baking courses.Many community schools offer some great four to six week ones that you can learn everything from cake decorating to Italian cooking.They're fun to take plus you get to eat your projects.Of course if you ave the money you can fly to Italy or France and enroll in a winter cooking course there. Overseas culinary studies are a great way to hone your skills plus soak up a culture too. Some will certify you or give you a degree, perfect if you're thinking about entering the restaurant business afterwards.

Don't let the foodie blues get you down. Experiment with different cuisines. Try something new. Take that baking or cooking class you always wanted to take. Get out of your dull culinary existence and go for the unexplored! It'll be quite an adventure!

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