Monday, December 6, 2010

Saint Nicholas Day Treats

Today is Saint Nicholas Day or Little Christmas. it;s was the original Christmas before martin Luther declared that December 25th should be the day commemorating the Christ Child's birth. However it is still a time of treats from savory to sweet. Children all over the world are given food gifts, in anticipation for the big day late on this month.

St Nicholas Day traditionally has candies and cakes however there are some savory treats associated with this day The Bulgarian make a carp dish called ribnik, and it's the fish baked en croute in a type of pastry dough. Why? The kindly saint is thought to be the protector of sailors and fishermen. Ribnik is usually eaten with cabbage and grape leaves or peppers,beans and more bread.. The Dutch also hugely celebrate this day and serve boiled chestnuts with butter and salt.

The day is really reserved for treats . Again the Dutch who are big on this holy day serve their kids spice cookies as well as a giant milk chocolate letter of their first initial. The Germans bake giant gingerbread cookies in the shape of the saint. they're later frosted with colored icing and given out. Since St Nicholas was known for his generosity, gold coins are given out. These are the foil wrapped milk chocolate discs all kids love and get during the holiday period.

Celebrate today with loved ones and the little ones in your life. Give them cookies or chocolates for this feast day of the man who would later be Santa Claus. Emulate his generosity too by giving extra treats for children in need.

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