Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Drinks Of The Season

Now that the holiday season is officially here it's also the time for fancy and fun drinks. Various punches and cocktails abound. Today;s New York Times Dining section celebrates this with a plethora of different libations for all the occasions this season.This is a fun keep and save guide because it can be helpful in the weeks ahead.

The article, written by Steven Stern , is really informative. I like the fact that he even had cocktails for Hanukkah. That blend is a melange of the powerful aquavit along with e artichoke flavored Italian liqueur Cynar along with apricot preserves and lemon juice. The base is dry sparkling wine . This is perfect foil for any latkes and beats a side of just plain applesauce. I also like the inclusion of a spiked hot chocolate for pre caroling. This involves adding equal tables spoons (three each ) of Chartreuse and Cointreau to just plain hot cocoa. Another favorite added in is the luscious Black velvet (popular with England's Queen Victoria and named for her mourning weeds). This is a blend of champagne and chilled Guinness stout . It sounds rich and dreamy , the perfect holiday drink that;'s simple to make

Holiday require punches and Mr. Stern provides a good dearth of recipes. There is the famed milk punch which is a mix of milk, bourbon and brandy with maple syrup. Milk punch has been around forever and was and still is a popular party punch. There is also the equally Victorian (but much more lethal Original Chatham Artillery Punch which has three bottle s of champagne along with whole bottle s of Cognac and rum. This is definitely the party punch to serve to guests if you want sparks. There is also mandarin Punch, a non alcoholic drink for all ages. its; redolent of citrus and mint , having lemon line and orange added along with mint an and spearmint leaves. This would be a nice brunch punch, perfect after savory omelets and muffins.

The holiday season is upon us and it's the time to celebrate it. What better way than with fancy drinks and punches. Raise a glass of something good - and specially made by you .

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