Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cookbooks The Ultimate Foodie Gift

Everyone , especially foodies, love receiving cookbooks as a holiday gifts. There's something exciting about opening up a book on our favorite things or on exotic cuisines. We long to make them and now have the recipes to do so. Not only that but cookbooks always have the best glossy photos in them. Coffee table books are fine but its; recipes books that steal the show.

Today's New York Times had an interesting buyer's guide put together by Times regular Julia Moskin. Ms. Moskin also included some recipes such as sauteed chicken with roasted grapes form the cookbook, Radically Simple (Rodale Press) by Rozanne Gold and mustard batons, savory mushrooms sticks from Dorie Greenspan's My French Table (Houghton Mifflin , publisher)Including these int eh article should give potential cook buyers a leg up on what to get their favorite cooks. There are other one s as well, featuring tapas, The Book of Tapas by Simone and Ines Ortega as well as a whole range of Indian themed ones,. The famed Indian chef, Madhur Jaffrey (Knopf) also has one out simply titled At Home With Mahur Jaffrey. there is also one on Indian street cooking as well, Street Food of India by I.B. Taurus.

Cake , bread and cookie bakers should also rejoice at the new books out now. There are some that I would live to get under my tree. The Gourmet Cookie Book put out by Houghton Mifflin is right up my alley. it includes recipes form 1941 to 2009. Another is Tartine Bread by Chad Robertson, featuring the recipes of that famed San Fran bakery Tartine . Boston;s famous bapastry chef, Joanne Chan g , the owner of Flour Bakery has put out a cookbook of her best cake recipes entitled Flour. (Chronicle) Again this looks like a great gift too.

There;s nothing like giving a foodie a cookbook for Christmas or any holiday. it's a fun way to spend hours reading the recipes and then the thrill of executing them. The best part is trying and tasting all those delicious dinners and desserts brought to life.

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