Thursday, December 16, 2010

Branding Brooklyn

Brooklyn is more than just a borough of Manhattan these days. It;s a brand that is practically slapped on anything that comes out of New York's most famous borough. There are pickles. There are chocolates. There are all sorts of good stuff being made from local artisans and being sold in the local shops there and across the East River in fancy Manhattan.

This was explored in yesterday's New York Times Dining section with an article by Steven Stern. It seems food companies large and small want items with any kind of connection to the latest, coolest inspot.There are many artisanal industries starting there and smaller , privately owned brands always generate a buzz. It's no wonder that these companies would be scooped up by giants like Williams and Sonoma and a few others. Brooklyn has a few good home grown products.There are artisanal pickles and beer coming from there. There are even jelly and jam companies too creating spreads from family recipes.

Luckily there are some Brooklyn manufacturers that have their pride and aren't selling to the big chains. These are the true artists who take pride in their work. They may not be nationally famous or bringing in the big bucks but they have integrity. Not to mention a local fan base that spreads the word about them. Maybe that's what this Brooklyn essence is all about. No fancy campaigns to buy this or that. Just word of mouth advertising that gets customers wanting to try the foodstuffs.

Brooklyn is not just a borough. It's a brand of home made products that reflect the tough grittiness the area emanates. The food may be gourmet, but the feeling behind it is down to earth.

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