Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spoiler Alert: The Times Food Section Is Out

Spoiler alert for all you foodies who haven't received tomorrow;s Sunday Times. Their annual food section is out int eh Sunday magazine. It's a doozy with some interesting articles , recipes and interviews.

I'm not going to go into details but it's not to be missed. There are some good pieces written by some of the Wednesdays Dining regulars like Frank Bruni. As usual it also has some eye opening pieces that make you scratch your head and go "Hmmm" (also the Sunday Times puzzle is pretty decent this week It's not food related though which would have been a bigger kick)

Another FYI yesterday was our eight hundredth article at Foodie Pantry. Pretty soon I'll be reaching the 1,000 th article.

Have fun reading The Times tomorrow and if you want all eight hundred of my entries.

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