Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Dinner With Coleridge

As we all know today is both Trafalgar Day and Samuel Taylor Coleridge;s birthday (and mine as well.) Both Trafalgar and the poet lived during England;s Regency period The era was lavishly described in all of Jane Austen;s novels. What did Lord Nelson who commandeered the famous naval battle and Coleridge feast on ? Surprisingly many things. Their meals were just as varied as any modern day menu,.

Probably both Horatio Nelson and STC drank fortified wines with dinner These were sweet wines such as port or Madeira, fortified with brandy. They probably also had punches, real punches with a lot of different liquor mixed with whole cream and eggs.(sort of like our modern day egg nogs). Kitchen s were just being modernized so stoves and ovens were being improved. This meant more baking and roasting at unified temperatures. English muffins were a big drawn and were often served at high tea. They have;t changed much in their 200 year history Roast beef and vegetables were a big draw and I'm sure both men ate a lot of that fare.

It was also the introduction of French and Italian cooking to England. This was due to the French Revolution and t o immigrants setting up shop in early 19th Century London. The English enjoyed Italian ice for the first time during this era along with fine French cuisine. Didi Coleridge and Nelson? Probably, especially if they were invited in to wealthy households.

As I celebrate my day I think of what has happened and who was born on this October 21st. I think of Coleridge , writing his epic works and wondering what he dined on? I think of Nelson in his last battle on this day , off the coast of Spain and hope he enjoyed a fortifying drink with his men. I know they ate well, I know they drank well too.

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