Friday, October 1, 2010

Autumn In New York

The New York Tines Dining section had reviewed Da Posto, the city's premier restaurant and that got me thinking. October in Manhattan is a magical time. The weather becomes cooler and crisper (usually). The opera and theater seasons are blooming with openings and first nights. The party season is just beginning. This all means that there are restaurants involved. The city has some good ones to celebrate this elegant, fun season.

One of my favorites will always be Marinella's.It's a Genovese type restaurant featuring seafood . It;'s a wonderful quiet and elegant place without all the star hoopla. The food is just as good as Da Posto but it doesn't have that dreadful celebrity cache now associated with city eateries. Marinella's also offers risotto and polenta and has almost carbon copy recipes of my family ones. To me it's just like eating at home. If you do want grand then head over a few blocks to Vanity Fair editor's Graydon Carter's Ye Waverly Inn. This has been around for a few years. The food is pricey but good. It is a great place to look for celebrities and any Euro millionaires if there are any left.

New York also has some small stops where you can go for some sandwiches. The best are usually away from the tourist spots where the food can be lousy and the cost extravagant. The newest hot spot for Italian sandwiches is Eataly brought to you by the famed chef Lidia Bastianich and her son Joe. Together with Mario Batale they created a haven in which to get fresh made true Italian pizzas and freshly sliced prosciutto and mortadella. Take these with you when you go sit in nearby Union Square Park.

Manhattan is full of fall delights from the theater to cool crisp breezes. Add a special meal to the mix to celebrate the fall season. There are enough restaurants around that great island to do so.

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