Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Snacking On The Go

It's a well known fact . Man or woman can not live by three meals alone. W e have to snack. It's just that simple. Meals just don't hold us til the next one. Our stomachs just won't stand for it. Unfortunately snacking can mean devouring anything tasty within in reach. We don't think about what's good for us. We think about what's near by.

Any one can snack healthy. It's just a matter of bringing good stuff with us. There are some schools across the US that are now installing veggie venders in their cafeterias. These are vending machines that dispense containers of baby carrots and broccoli florets. These are the perfect treats, full of good for you vitamins and low in calories. Unfortunately not every place has these. You can pack your own crudites, adding bell pepper strips along with a low cal dressing. Another idea is fresh fruit. Take advantage of this season's abundance of apples and pears. These are a great mid afternoon pick me up with a cup of coffee.

There are some of us who can't help but want junk food to keep those mid afternoon munchies at bay. If that's the case then try plain tortillas with a jar of easy to store salsa. These satisfy the crunch and desire for salt. Another healthy snack food are pretzels. Store a bag of these in the car or at your desk for some healthy eating. They're also good with peanut butter or mustard as well.

Snacking on the go can be rough. However always have healthy choices on the ready. These not only stops hunger but also those extra , empty calories. Reach for something that not only will satisfy but will help.

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