Monday, September 13, 2010

Snacking Healthy

The beginning of the school year just doesn't symbolize another year of learning and growth. it also means bad eating. Kids with uber busy schedules would rather grab chips and a soda or some Red Bull and a doughnut to keep them sated. This is far from good. it;s up to parents to break them of unhealthy eating habits.

Kids, especially those with working moms and dads, have a tendency to raid the icebox in search of food. Instead of healthy they go for salty, sweet and fatty. Fill them with good for them(and you) snacks. Have precut apple and even pear slices that can be spread with any kind of nut butter. (peanut butter is the most accepted). Also a sliced banana is good . They could add antioxidant cinnamon to flavor it . Another fun idea is taking low cal tortilla chips and salsa (homemade would be the best because you can put all fresh ingredients into it). A snack they can make themselves is toasted pita drizzled with fresh tomatoes olive oil and mozzarella cheese. this is a quick low cal pizza that can satisfy those hunger pangs.

Kids love sweets and a sugary snack is always a fun. Instead of cookies and cakes though, think a slice of whole wheat with margarine and jam and ten heated in the toasted oven. Also home made Popsicles are fun especially for those humid Indian summer days when it;s a return to summery heat. Jello is another fun snack that's low calorie , sweet and tasty all in one shot.
yogurt is also a good after school nosh. Try the lower calorie Greek one which is made wit ewe's milk. Buy the plain and your own fresh flavorings.

It's tough to get kids to ea t healthy meals let alone healthy snacks. Yet they can . Get rid of all that represents sweet , fatty and salty. Replace it with healthy and good for healthy and good kids.

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