Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homemade Goodness

Now with school starting and summer hours over and done with , it's time to treat the family to a hearty dinner. The problem is you just don't have enough time. This is the busiest season and it will only get worse right up to the holidays. Yet you can still give your family that home made goodness.


Frozen foods.

Yup, there's nothing wrong with defrosting and nuking. There are many frozen food companies that provide your family with the type of meal your granny used to cook. Check out Marie Callendar's pot pies. There's this thick gravy smothering the best veggies and thick meat chunks along with a flaky crust. This is the perfect meal for those long days of endless reports , soccer try outs and endless midterms. Other companies such as Swanson's and Weavers offer up such homey main courses such as fried chicken and mashed potatoes along with beef goulash . Add on some salad and hot rolls for more sustenance.

You can still give your family home cooked goodness even if you have no time. Frozen foods make it all possible. It just takes a few minutes for a satisfying , old fashioned dinner,

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