Monday, August 23, 2010

The Old College Fry

Now that dorms are opening up again across the US it's time to look at what your college foodie is eating. It's going to be three months of snacks, fried food and Red Bull. This is the perfect time to instill good eating habits. All those veggies, fruits and good carbs will help them get through the crush of October mid terms and all nighters along with endless mixers and parties.

As any college kid, whether dorm student or commuter, will tell you college cafeteria food is pretty good (well at mine it was). My friends and I got into the habit of having daily burgers and fries for lunch or snacking on pizza and chips. We gained weight pretty fast thanks to those over fried, dripping with grease foods. Unlike today's kids we had no healthy alternatives. Now I see my students eat fresh fruit like pineapple and strawberries and wash that down with spring water.Also there are healthier entrees too like grilled chicken breasts and salads.

College campuses do still have the faves my generation loved. It's very easy to grab a Coke and a bag of Doritos as a snack. There are also hot dogs and hamburgers too. Impress that these are fine once n a while but just like kegger parties they can be damaging if done in excess.Create care packages filled with good for them favorites or leave fruit roll ups or granola bars , in your kids' cars.They'll get the message quick enough.

The college years are fast paced and fun. With that comes an appetite. Make sure your college kids eat well and eat healthy.

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